
Know Your Wafer: What Are the Parts of a Wafer Called?


August 21, 2024

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According to Samsung, a wafer can be divided into five parts. To help you understand it better before you buy a silicon wafer, we wanted to share it with you.  

So, here’s a guide on the parts that make a silicon wafer, what each one is called, and what purpose they serve to the substrate’s functionalities.

Things to Know Before You Buy a Silicon Wafer

What’s a Wafer?

A wafer, which is also referred to as a disc, is a thin, glossy silicon rod slice that is cut to a precise diameter. The primary benefit of using silicon is its abundance as a naturally occurring element.  

Every component on a completed wafer has a unique name and purpose. Let us examine each one separately.  

1. Chip: A small silicon chip with patterns for electronic circuits on it.

2. Scribe Lines: Narrow, non-functional gaps that allow a saw to cut the wafer without endangering the circuits.

3. Test Element Group (TEG): A prototype pattern that exposes a chip's real physical properties (transistors, capacitors, resistors, diodes, and circuits) so that functional tests can be performed on it.

4. Edge Die: Potential chip loss around a wafer's edge is taken into account in production; larger wafers would generally have less chip loss.

5. Flat Zone: A wafer's flattened edge is used to determine the wafer's type and orientation.

Buy a Silicon Wafer

Learn More Before You Buy a Silicon Wafer

By understanding the parts that make up a wafer, you can start taking the most advantage of the properties they offer. If you’d like to learn more about silicon wafers and their constitution, reach out!

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