You may have heard terms like Silicon Valley or the Silicon Economy and that is because silicon has become more widely used. Silicon prices have allowed for this industry-changing material to become more available to the masses. Not only is silicon used in regular life, but also in the production of our everyday electronic devices in the form of semiconductors too. In other words, semiconductors paved the way for modern technology. From transistors to microchips to integrated circuits and all other active components, it is fabricated with semiconductors. If you want to know more, here is how a semiconductor works:
During the manufacturing process, semiconductors have the ability to accurately control electrical properties and performance. This is made possible by doping small amounts of impurities into the semiconductor. Different impurities with different levels of concentration have different effects. Electrons and ‘holes’ in semiconductors operate as charge carriers, and through doping, the charge carrier and conductivity can be altered to become either electron or hole based.
This basic semiconductor device commands the flow of electric current in a circuit. It has both a positive and a negative side. When you place the positive with the negative they create a P-N junction or P-N diode. This works as a switch and it can convert AC input to DC output.
Transistors have the ability to augment small currents and perform as a switch that turns the current source on or off. Examples of components created by the combination of P-N junctions:
Semiconductors can be altered to become sensitive to changes in temperature, light, and pressure. This makes them good sensors. The most common type of response is a change in resistance for the semi-conductive sensor. There are different types of sensors:
At Wafer World, we not only offer you the best quality wafers but you also get the best silicon prices. We have been in the industry for more than 20 years and we aim to continue being the supplier of choice by those who value quality. Call us today for any questions or purchase wafers online!