Silicon wafer manufacturing is the first step in semiconductor manufacturing. It’s because silicon wafer is one of the major components used in a semiconductor. Silicon wafers play a significant role in our lives, from everyday electronic devices to the technology used in the medical field and even in space. Without it, we would still be stuck in an era where knowledge is only found in libraries, communication is difficult, and medical treatments were more complex. But how is this very important component brought to life? Read on to know more about wafer fabrication.
Wafer fabrication involves building integrated circuits on silicon wafers, but before that, silicon wafer manufacturing must first take place. Silicon wafer manufacturing begins with a raw silicon or silica sand processed to attain highly pure silicon ingots. There are two ways to do this: CZ or Czochralski method and FZ or Float Zone method. Then, the silicon ingots are shaped and cut into thin silicon wafers via wafering.
There are various wafer fabrication processes, ever since the semiconductor industry has advanced. This allows device designers to make the most out of wafers through their designs and by choosing the best fabrication process to carry out their vision. But all existing fabrication processes consist of basic steps involving the following:
If you’re looking for silicon wafer manufacturing producing the best wafers, then Wafer World has a wide range of high-quality wafers at the best prices possible. Call us for inquiries or purchase wafers online.