Thin Silicon Wafers | Understanding Wafer Size


July 11, 2018

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These days silicon wafers are found in pretty much everything in the technology industry. As a result, semiconductors are made in a variety of sizes to accommodate different products. The size of a wafer can have a direct impact on the product it’s being used for. Let’s take a look at the different sizes of thin silicon wafers and how they work.

Does Wafer Size Matter?

The short answer is yes. A larger wafer diameter enables producing more semiconductor devices from a single wafer, thus enhancing productivity and efficiency. If only 1-inch wafers were produced today, then they wouldn’t be able to support things like smart-phones, tablets, and PCs.

How Is Wafer Size Broken Down?

While traditionally wafer diameter was noted in inches, today millimeters is used. Here is a look at how the breakdown works:

  • 150 mm wafer = 5.9 inches
  • 200 mm wafer = 7.9 inches
  • 300 mm wafer = 11.8 inches
  • 450 mm wafer = 18 inches

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to the size of a wafer is the description of its size. Many people use the inches metric to describe a wafer. In reality, it should be done by millimeter. This is especially true with the 300mm wafer. Many will round the 11.8 inches up and say it’s 12 inches when that is not correct.

Are You Looking for Thin Silicon Wafers?

No matter the size wafer you are looking for, at Wafer World we have you covered. Contact us today to learn more or to place an order.

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