Because of its higher electron mobility than silicon (Si), gallium arsenide is a compound semiconductor material frequently used in high-speed, high-frequency, and optoelectronic applications. Because of this, a GaAs wafer is especially well suited for transistors in applications such as microwave communications, RF (radio frequency) amplification, and even optoelectronic devices like LEDs and lasers.
Two main types of transistors take advantage of GaAs’ properties: Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors and High-Electron Mobility Transistors. Let’s review their uses and the benefits they offer.
There are two main types of transistors made from GaAs:
GaAs wafers have higher electron mobility than silicon, meaning electrons can move faster through GaAs. This makes them ideal materials for developing transistors in high-frequency applications, like telecommunications, radar systems, and optoelectronics.
Nevertheless, to make the most of this unique material, finding a reliable provider is key. Here at Wafer World, we have a strict quality control process to ensure our GaAs wafers are ready for use. If you’d like to learn more about it, reach out!