It is difficult to imagine a world without chips. From a simple Si wafer semiconductor stem all the devices that we use today to stay connected, work, travel, and find entertainment.
As time went by, chips advanced to deliver new functionalities and better performances at lower costs. Because of that, you can find modern chips in thousands of new products and industries across the globe. Here are some of them.
Computer chips are made out of a silicon wafer that works as a semiconductor with thousands of electronic circuits embedded in it called transistors. These circuits transmit data signals, which enables them to power all types of advanced applications.
Initially, chips were physically large, but innovation resulted in the development of high-performance processors in increasingly smaller sizes. Because of that, computers went from enormous machines that took up an entire room, to thin laptops you can carry around.
And so, modern chips became an omnipresent tool, part of every aspect of our lives.
You can find chips made out of silicon wafers in:
As you can see, practically all of our technology today uses chips. And the first them of chip manufacturing is a high-quality silicon wafer.
If you’re looking for an Si wafer supplier, give us a call!