What Types of Microchips Are There?


May 22, 2024

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Silicon wafer suppliers all around the world provide semiconductors to thousands of industries. The chip industry is one of them. Wafers travel thousands of kilometers and go through long manufacturing processes, until there’s a small, but highly advanced microchip.

Microchips are the base of our technology, and, consequently, our society. To understand that better, it’s also important to know the different types of modern computer chips and how they work.

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What’s a Microchip?

A microchip is made from a silicon wafer semiconductor and a set of electronic circuits. These, also known as transistors, act as miniature electrical switches on the chip, turning a current on or off.

The pattern on the silicon wafer is created by adding and removing transistors and other materials to form a multilayered work of connected shapes. That results in a highly sophisticated piece of technology that makes the most of our technology work.

Types of Microchips

Microchips can be classified by their functionality, and or by the type of integrated circuit they possess. Depending on their electric signals, A chip’s circuits can be:

  • Digital chips with binary signals.  
  • Analog chips with continuous signals.  

In terms of functionality, there are four main categories of chips:

  • Logic chips process information to complete a task, working as the ‘brain’ of electronic devices. Their signals are binary, so they’re digital-type chips.
  • Memory chips are digital chips that store information. You can find two types:
  • Volatile memory chips, which store data only while a device is powered.  
  • Non-volatile memory chips that can retain data even when the device is turned off.  
  • ASIC chips are single-purpose chips used to perform repetitive tasks like scanning barcodes.  
  • SoCs are a relatively new type of chip that combines numerous chips and circuits.
Silicon Wafer Suppliers for Chp Manufacturing Process

Find Silicon Wafer Suppliers for Chips

Chips used to have big dimensions, and now they’re small pieces that we can carry on our phones. Advancements in engineering, computing and wafer production have made that possible. In an industry like ours, being prepared for these types of innovations is crucial.

If you’re interested in learning more about silicon wafers and how they integrate with different types of chips, give us a call!

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