Processes Involved in Laser Technology?


November 16, 2020

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Laser marking has now become an essential part of almost all industries. It is the process of imprinting or marking products using laser technology. Furthermore, it helps businesses track their products, allowing them to be fully aware of their goods. Laser marking offers so many benefits, especially in the semiconductor industry. It eliminates counterfeiting, improves quality, and does not affect the quality of the wafers. If you're not all that familiar with laser marking, here are the different processes involved in it:

What is laser marking?

What are the Different Processes Involved in Laser Marking?

Annealing Marking

Annealing marking is used to mark metal products successfully. Specifically, it is a particular type of laser etching that causes a color change on the metal surface. A direct result of the oxidation process. It occurs as the heat from the laser touches the surface of the material.

Staining Method

During the staining method, the laser beam's heat effect causes a chemical reaction in the material. This chemical reaction results in different color shades. So, the marking may turn dark, light, or discolored, depending on the type of material used.

Laser Engraving

Laser engraving involves melting and evaporating the material's surface using a laser. Additionally, it removes any material that is not needed, producing an engraving on the surface.

Removal Process

During the removal process, the laser beam gets rid of the topcoat applied on the substrate. Therefore, it results in a contrasted marking because of how diverse the colors of the substrate and coatings are. The removal process is commonly used for laser marking anodized aluminum, coated metals, laminates, films, and foils.


The foaming process is used mainly for marking dark plastics. It involves melting a material using a laser beam. The heat effect generated from the laser beam creates gas bubbles as it reacts with the material. It reflects light indirectly. Because of this, the markings produced are usually lighter compared to other areas.


The carbonizing process is typically used for wood or leather because it creates dark markings. Furthermore, during carbonizing, the laser heats the surface of the material until oxygen and hydrogen are released.

What is laser marking?

Looking for Laser Marking?

Laser marking plays a vital role in the semiconductor industry. So, if you’re looking for laser marked wafers, you can get them from Wafer World! We offer a wide variety of wafers at a reasonable price. Contact us for inquiries!

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